Equine Emergency Duress Systemapp开发排名公司

The National Equine Emergency Duress System aims to provide support to horse owners during times of an emergency or natural disaster. NEEDS connects members of the horse community through our push notification system EQ Duress©, who may be willing and able to assist with the evacuation or temporary emergency agistment for your horses, during times of need. Geolocated, secure and reliable, this app is designed to be integrated into your emergency response plan and assist with a leave early strategy. In addition to the EQ Duress© functionality, registered users will enjoy a range of additional features to engage with throughout the year, outside of an emergency. ShowHorse Marketplace, Vet Find and Equine Services Directory (coming soon), provide features where registered users can buy and sell horse-related items, locate the nearest equine veterinarian, or find any horse business either locally, in your state or around the country.

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,Equine Emergency Duress Systemapp开发排名公司
Equine Emergency Duress Systemapp开发排名公司
Equine Emergency Duress Systemapp开发排名公司
Equine Emergency Duress Systemapp开发排名公司
Equine Emergency Duress Systemapp开发排名公司
Equine Emergency Duress Systemapp开发排名公司
